Understanding the common roster selections
Removing Items From a Users View
Choosing the output and display
There are 12 areas to Training Management:
Training Cancellation Reasons.
There are 12 areas to Witness Management:
o..... Splitting and Deleting Cases
How to view planned shifts and activities on a daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis: it includes details of shift start and end times, activities booked and their timings.
There are 5 different Schedule/Rosters available to view
4-Weekly Team Schedules/Rosters
All five roster enquiries allow various selections to be made to control what information is displayed. In some cases, there are specific selections dependent upon the roster enquiry selected (see the appropriate roster enquiry for details). The following selections are common to all five roster enquiries.
Filter Shifts with no Activities or Duties: will show only shifts with no Activities or Duties.
Filter Vehicles: will show only vehicle number if applicable. Also allows for rank counts by vehicle. This may be combined with any other filters.
Filter Guested In: will show only guested in personnel. This may be combined with any other filters.
Filter Guested Out: will show only guested out personnel. This may be combined with any other filters
Filter Acted By: will show only acted by commitments. This may be combined with any other filters.
Filter Acted For: will show only acted for commitments. This may be combined with any other filters.
Filter Coach: will show only coaching commitments. This may be combined with any other filters
Filter Trainee: will show only trainee commitments. This may be combined with any other filters
Show Selected Items: Choose Show Selected Items
Hide Selected Items: Choose Hide Selected Items
Filters are only available with the Current Scheduled Duties option. |
Whichever Duty sheet or Roster is chosen, all are colour-coded for ease of use and some information is standard.
· Confirmed activities are shown in blue (or the selected colour).
· Provisional activities are shown yellow (or the selected colour).
· All shifts are displayed in their appropriate colour.
· Persons rank, shoulder number and surname are presented.
· Where more than 1 person is selected, the organization structure for each person/group is shown in
emboldened text.
· Short titles or abbreviations are used for all shifts and activities.
· Click on underlined shift or activity to view full details for the day (unavailable on Daily Duties roster).
· A Reference column (up to 10 characters recorded against tours/activities displayed in various Enquiries and reports).
Click on any notes icon e.g. to view the notes.
Click on any gender icon e.g. to view personnel information.
Click on any camera icon e.g. to view photos.
· Select any options and filters; click Submit to change your view.
Show the number of each rank, involved in a particular activity type, for some part of, or the whole of each day. For example, if a Sergeant is 'sick' for part of the day and is on day shift for the rest of the day, there would be a count of 1 for sergeants in both activity types.
Any blank rows (4-Week Team, Monthly and Annual Rosters) mean that the corresponding week/month(s) are not yet generated. Please see the CARM Administrator for full details. Any cell containing a ‘?’ (Or ‘??’) Indicates that an Abbreviation has not been assigned to the particular shift/activity. Click on the ‘??’ text to see the full details. |
So they are no longer used e.g. a shift pattern has been replaced, you no longer use a particular activity. This applies to most areas in General Maintenance.
There are two ways to remove an item from a list or view:
· Remove the item completely. Only able do this if the item has not been used.
· Mark the item Redundant. Still can view the item, for historical purposes, but it is not available to use through the normal listing.
To remove an item from view:
Select General Maintenance > the appropriate maintenance area
NEVER set the Reserved Activity Group or activities in that group to Redundant. This will cause system-used activities e.g. Rest Day, Work Free Day to be removed from view and therefore unavailable for users to select. |
This will permanently remove the item. To restore it, it will need to be recreated. Try setting the item to Redundant and check you receive no queries before deleting it completely. If the item has been used, then deleting it will not be possible. (See below). |
· Open the item to remove.
· Click Delete.
Does not delete an item; it removes the item from general display. Mark items redundant in the following General Maintenance areas:
Organization (Division or Structure only)
Shift Patterns
Cost Centres
Cost Jobs
Cost Activities
Working Conditions
Post Jobs
· To mark an item as Redundant:
· Open the item to “remove”.
· Place a tick in the Redundant: box.
· Click Update.
· Open the area of the redundant item e.g. Leave.
· Click the underlined Activity.
· The redundant items are displayed (in red).
· Select a redundant item
· Make this item 'live' again by un-checking the redundant option and then click Update.
Return to Top
CARM General
Throughout the CARM pages there are icons and other elements which you will become familiar with.
Here we describe those elements and what happens when you use them.
Within CARM allow some appropriate action to be taken. These are:
(awaiting some action)
Click button to take the appropriate action
Click underlined text to take the appropriate action
· Select one or more items from the list as appropriate.
· Select a single item, click on the item. You can 'deselect' that item by clicking it again.
· Select multiple items (where appropriate), hold the 'control' key down while clicking on the items.
· Select a range of items, select the first item and then hold the 'shift' key down while selecting the last item. All items in between will be selected.
· Use combinations of selecting ranges and multiple items as required.
Click to drop down the list.
Select an item, click the item.
Click required option (only one option may be selected).
Click as many items as required to select the appropriate action
(single line)
(multi line)
Enter detail into the box as appropriate.
Click to decrease the value by 1 (down to
the minimum allowed for that value).
Click to increase the value by 1 (up to
the maximum allowed for that value).
Click to drop down available values to
select one from e.g.
· Select from the menu as appropriate.
· Hover the mouse pointer over the My Menu functions to expand the menu. Click the expanded menu function.
Select from the items as appropriate by clicking on the appropriate check boxes (as many as required).
Click to expand the entry or
contract the entry.
There are various icons used throughout CARM as follows:
Click this icon to show details about that person (See Checking my full details for more information).
Click this icon to access contact details about that person (See Checking my contact details for more information).
Click this icon to access duty details for today about that person (See Checking my duties for more information).
Click this icon to view the persons photo (See View my photo for more information).
(Notes exist),
(Notes don't
Click this icon to view the notes (See Viewing and adding notes for more information).
Attention Flasher
This Icon appears alongside a red button and flashes to attract the attention of the user.
(Ascending order),
Click this icon to sort the information in the appropriate order where applicable. (For example, see Duty planning sort sequence)
Click this icon to view the resource cover graph (See Resource cover graph for more information).
Click this icon to refresh the information on the current page.
Hover mouse pointer over this icon to view details of Tour start time and Meal Break duration
Hover mouse pointer over this icon to view details of Extra Pay compensation accrued on a shift in Duty Planning and Duty Planning Enquiry.
Hover mouse pointer over this icon to view details of:
Rerostered Day Rerostered from (date).
Hover mouse pointer over this icon to view details of:
Cancelled Rest Day Lost
Cancelled Rest Day Rerostered to (date).
At the top of each page is the CARM navigation bar, so called because it can be used to navigate to other parts of CARM. It will look slightly different depending on which page you are on. For example, on most pages it will look like:
On some pages it will look like:
Hover the mouse pointer over the CARM logo and a tooltip will appear showing the current version numbers of the various components of CARM. You may be asked for this information by the CARM support team at TriCarm Software to be able to identify the version of software you are currently using for any support issues e.g.
To the right of the CARM logo, there may be an additional logo (optional) identifying your own organization e.g.
To the right of that is the current date and time.
· Click on the Home button to return you to your home page (see Understanding your home page for more information).
· Click on the Sign Out button to log out of CARM pages (see Logging out for more information).
· Click on the Help button to open the help page relevant to the page currently being viewed. Once the help page is displayed, navigate through the whole of the help information by using the various links such as Return to Top which then enables you to use the table of contents to move around the help pages.
· Click on the Close button to close the current window.
There may be, depending upon the installation, further buttons present (up to 3 per page) that link to other web pages within the organization. These will be located to the right of the Help button. Click on those buttons to open a new window with the appropriate web page displayed.
On the far right is the name of the database you are currently connected to. Most installations offer two databases - a 'Live' database and a 'Training' database (but there may only be one or sometimes even more than two!).
Under the Home button will be your name, rank and number!
To quickly select a specific person, use the Personnel Search option wherever it appears.
· Enter the full or part shoulder number or surname of the person whose details are to be searched for.
· Click Go.
· Select the person required from the resulting drop down list.
Date selections are required in many areas e.g. requesting duty information and running reports or enquiries.
· Select dates in the following ways:
Single date arrows move you forward
or backward 1 day.
Double date arrows move you forward
or backward 1 week or 1 month.
Click Drop down calendar box to select
the date from.
again to hide the
calendar box
Date box - highlight text and
enter required date. Display format preference is governed by User
profile. Date entry using delineations is culture driven, however dates may be
entered without delineations as follows: YYMMDD or YYYYMMDD
To return to today’s date, remove the existing date from the box and press Return on the keyboard. |
Some screens may produce more than one results page.
To switch between pages:
· Click on the page number to move to.
To see all entries and use a scroll bar:
· Click Show All.
To get started:
· Launch Internet Explorer.
· Alternatively, double click on the icon on desktop if you have one.
· Select a database.
· Enter your User name.
· Enter your password.
· Click Submit.
If you have more than one post in the organization, you may then be presented with the following page:
· Select the user you want to log in as i.e. the post you will be working at that time.
· Click: Signing in as selected user.
· Click Cancel to return to Login page if required.
Your login is unique to you. It determines what you are allowed to see when you access CARM. It is also used to audit changes you make.
The first time you login, you will need to set your password. Use the same procedure to change your password at any time. |
To do this:
· Select a database
· Enter your User name.
· Enter your current Password (unless this is the first time you login).
· Click Change Password.
· Type your new password in the Enter New Password box.
· Type your new password in the Re-enter New Password box.
· Click Submit.
When you have finished using CARM, you must log out to avoid unauthorized use with your login details.
· Click Sign Out to exit CARM completely.
It is highly recommended that during CARM sessions (except in these HELP pages), that the back, forward, refresh and close window buttons are NOT used. Instead, please use the navigation buttons provided in CARM (e.g. Home, Sign out, Close, Back to Personnel Selection, etc. |
Before Extra Pay can be paid or taken as Lieu time off, it goes through a number of processes to ensure a person receives the correct compensation at the correct rate and the appropriate budget is allocated.
When someone works an extended or additional tour of duty, Extra Pay is automatically generated for the appropriate time, at the correct rate according to predefined rules that form part of the collective agreements.
Choose whether to take Extra Pay as payment or Lieu time off. It is also the opportunity to give the authorizing officer as much information as possible to make sure the Extra Pay is processed quickly. See Claim/Elect Extra Pay.
This optional phase allows for an intermediate approval mechanism prior to authorization for payment. Using the information provided in the claim, the approving person either confirms that the information provided is correct (approves it) or rejects it. If it is rejected it returns to the claimant to be re-claimed. If it is approved, it is forwarded to the appropriate authorizing person. See Approve/Reject Extra pay.
Using the information provided in the claim, together with any optional approval stage, the authorizing person determines whether to agree the Extra Pay (authorize it) or reject it. If it is rejected e.g. there is not enough information for the authorizer, it returns to the claimant to be re-claimed. If it is authorized, it is forwarded for administration if necessary. Any Extra Pay elected for Time off in Lieu is now available for taking. See Authorize/Reject Extra pay.
Extra Pay is allocated to a Cost Centre for payment and analysis purposes unless that information was originally entered as part of the claim process. See Administer Extra Pay.
Finally, the Extra Pay elected for pay is processed in the next appropriate payroll extract run. See, Pass Extra Pay for payment.
Once Extra Pay has been authorized and the correct costing information has been added (See Extra Pay Processes) the Extra Pay is then in a position to be extracted to be passed, either manually or electronically, to an appropriate payroll system.
There are a number of facilities in CARM to assist in the preparation and processing of data to be extracted to a Payroll system. Although the actual payroll extract information may be different dependent upon the payroll system being used, the general principles remain the same.
Those principles are:
These are the processes currently in use by the RCMP. The above principles currently apply to two areas of data preparation for payroll extract:
· Extra Pay and Operational Readiness/Operational Availability
Payroll pre-validation reports
· Shift Differential
Manual shift differential adjustments
Shift differential Prepare Claims
Shift differential pre-validation reports
Post-shift differential reports
There are standard reports for activity and Extra Pay analysis, monitoring time worked and administrative tasks. For each, select any personnel to work with and preview, print, email and save the output as required.
Choose the output format from:
· Adobe™ Acrobat (PDF)
· Microsoft™ Excel (XLS)
· Microsoft™ Word (DOC)
· Rich Text Format (RTF)
To run a report, select Reports > the name of the report
· Select the personnel to report on (see Selecting Personnel for details).
· Make any selections as required by the particular report being run e.g. in the above example, select the report for a particular Project/Locations; one or more activities; one or more analyses; one or more sub analyses; and a range of dates.
· Most reports also allow the selection of a detailed analysis by person (Individual Personnel) or a summary (Group of Personnel) by clicking the required option. When a summary is selected, further options may be presented to you to choose from.
· Choose one or more levels of the organization structure where totals are to be printed.
· Choose the format (application) for the report to be output in.
· Click Submit. The report is previewed on screen.
When the report is shown on screen, it can then be printed. To do this, either:
· Select the print button at the top of the report page. This will print the report to the default printer.
· Select File > Print and choose a printer.
Saving the report means you can amend the output to meet the requirements e.g. add graphs before distribution.
Select an output that you have access to e.g. there is no point selecting Microsoft Excel format if you cannot get access to a computer with Microsoft Excel installed. |
To save the report:
· Select File > Save As.
· Choose where the report is to be saved.
Creation and maintenance of information about the training centres e.g. name, email address etc.
o Training Centre and Venue Details
o Understanding the Training Centre Details selections
o Creating Training Centre and Venue Details
o Changing Training Centre and Venue Details
Creation and planning of Training Courses.
o Understanding your attendee/course options
o Setting a course date or dates
o Understanding the Attendee availability grid
Creation and maintenance of reasons why a training course or an individual involved in that course might be cancelled.
Editing basic Course details.
o Understanding the edit course options
o Changing basic course details
o Adding a person to wish list or a qualified instructor to Course Instructors list.
o Remove a course from person's wish list or an instructor from Instructors list.
Editing Planned Course details.
o Changing planned course details
o Cancelling an attendee from a planned course
o Deleting an attendee from a planned course
o Adding an attendee to a planned course
Applying Approved planned Training Courses to the Duty Plan
Entering details of all training courses previously attended by individuals for a complete record of training history.
Making adjustments to travel time for courses.
Allows a System Administrator to permanently remove all Training Wish Lists.
o Viewing current courses only
o Limit on number of courses to pick for a persons wish list.
Creation and maintenance of information about the Courts and Venues e.g. name, email address etc.
o Understanding Court Details Selections
o Creating Court Details and Venues
o Changing Court and Venue details
Creation and planning of Trials:
Before finding witness availability or selecting the case, select the court to work with.
Usually used if there is an interface to CARM from a case management system i.e. a system that holds witness/case information. Allows selection of a case, which already has witnesses assigned to it, rather than select individual witnesses on an ad-hoc basis. Also used to edit, postpone or cancel a case.
is used when starting the case/trial from scratch i.e. no witness/case details are already held in CARM. This section shows how to select witnesses in preparation for booking a trial date.
o Understanding witness/case options
o Understanding your witness availability grid
How to edit elements of a case, and/or to countermand witnesses or the whole trial if required.
o Understanding the edit case options
o Removing a witness from a case
Change the fundamental information about the trial Editing Planned Trial details:
o Changing basic trial details
o Countermanding a witness from a trial
o Countermanding a witness from a multi-day trial
o Countermanding a whole trial
Facilitates recording of the date when a subpoena has been returned by the relevant officer to the Court Liaison department. The date returned is also displayed wherever appropriate.
o Record Subpoena Returned Date
o Remove Subpoena Returned Date
Create and maintain the reasons why a trial or an individual involved in that trial might be countermanded.
Select Show my court cases from the Home Page, Show my full details page or click on View trials in the Witness Management functions to view a persons Trials.
Choose one of the following actions to occur when booking trials through Witness Management:
· No action.
· Create activity request.
· Create authorized activity request.
· Automatically update the Duty Plan.
Set by the CARM Administrator (see System Control Parameter maintenance) at implementation stage but can be changed at any time afterwards. The option selected will determine the action carried out in the background, when booking witnesses to trials.
How to book a trial and is split into three sections:
Usually used if there is an interface to CARM from a case management system i.e. a system that holds witness/case information. Allows selection of a case, which already has witnesses assigned to it, rather than select individual witnesses on an ad-hoc basis. Also used to edit, postpone or cancel a case.
is used when starting the case/trial from scratch i.e. no witness/case details are already held in CARM. This section shows how to select witnesses in preparation for booking a trial date.
Allocate individuals to the trial, on specified dates, using exact match or best fit selections. Select by witness, or case, the final stage of booking a trial will be the same.