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Duty Planning


The Duty Plan. 3


Duty Planning. 4


Selecting Personnel and Days. 11

Selecting a person for a day. 11

Selecting all 7 days for a person. 11

Selecting a block of personnel for a date. 12

Selecting a block of personnel for all 7 days. 13


Changing Tours. 14

Apply Tour 15

Applying a standard shift (same duration) 16

Applying a non-standard shift (same duration) 17

Applying an Extra Pay shift 18

Applying a callout (return to duty) 19

Applying a short shift (undertime) 21

Applying a meals break. 22

Swap Shifts. 22

Troubleshooting tours. 22

Remove Tour 23


Applying rest days. 25

Reroster Cancelled Days. 26


Apply Acting Rank details. 30

Record an Acting Rank in Duty Planning. 30

Remove an Acting Rank in Duty Planning. 31


Apply Coaching  details. 32

Record Coaching Details in Duty Planning. 32

Remove Coaching Details in Duty Planning. 34


Putting Someone on Operational Readiness/Operational Availability. 36


Applying activities. 38

Applying a full day activity. 43

Applying full day annual leave (or any other time bank activity) 44

Applying part day activities. 45


Allocating Duties. 46


Applying Project/Locations. 47


Applying Assignments. 48

Add new assignment 50

Removing existing assignments. 52


Undoing Changes. 52


Confirming/Unconfirming Status. 53


Cover Checks and Resource Cover Graph. 54


Applying notes. 54


Refresh cells. 55


Notify. 56


Activity Scheduling. 57


Allocating Someone as a Guest 58


Duty Planning Enquiry. 60



The Duty Plan

Is the primary function within CARM for making changes to the roster. There are other functions that also affect the roster, such as activity requests and bookings, but this is the main tool in the resource planners’ tool bag.  It allows the resource planners to, among other things:


·         Make shift changes.

·         Schedule personnel to duties, Project/Locations and assignments.

·         Allocate leave, sickness, court, training, secondments and other activities.

·         Make provisions for Extra Pay.

·         Check resource levels.

·         Incorporates a check on Update Period to disallow any changes to schedules prior to the users permitted date range.


This is intended for reasonably short-range duty and shift changes. Activity Scheduling and Long Range Planning tools are designed for longer period bookings for future dates: e.g. long term sickness, Annual Leave planning, etc.


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Duty Planning

·         Open a Duty Plan,

·         Select: Duties > Duty Planning.

·         Select personnel to view/update.



·         Select start date to view/update.

·         Check Seniority Sequence if required

·         Click Submit.



Duty Plan consists of six main areas:


·         Button Bar

·         Sort sequence

·         Date header

·         Personnel

·         Shift/activity cells (Duty Plan)

·         Page selector


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Button Bar


Button bar holds buttons that perform an action. These include:


·         Refresh, to refresh selected personnel and date(s) to reflect the most up-to-date information (perhaps as a result of making changes through Duty Details)

·         Notify, to send notifications to selected personnel via email or CARM messaging (see Notify)

·         Cover, allows the viewing of cover shortfalls that are affected by selected personnel and date(s).

·         Swap, to change shifts between two selected shift cells for selected personnel.

·         Reroster, cancelled rest days at time of cancellation.

·         Acting, record an acting rank as required.

·         Coaching, (Police Training Officer or other terminology) capability of recording Coaching details.

·         OR/OA, to apply and remove Operational Readiness/ Operational Availability to selected personnel and date(s).

·         (Un)confirm, to confirm activities for selected personnel and date(s) that are provisional, and vice versa.

·         Undo, to undo all changes to selected personnel and date(s) and return them to their original shift. 'Undo ' will also cancel any vacation registered during the ‘Annual leave Picking’ process or remove any other registered vacation during ad-hoc application.

A function parameter allows for additional functionality to be optionally included such that, in addition to ‘Undo All’, the user may ‘Undo to the previous revision only?’ by checking a tick box.

·         Note, to apply notes to selected personnel and date(s).

·         Tour, to apply shift changes to selected personnel and date(s).

·         Rest Day, (D/O, RTO or other terminology) to apply rest days to selected personnel and date(s).

·         Activity, to apply absences and other activities to selected personnel and date(s).

·         Duty, to allocate call signs and other duties to selected personnel and date(s) e.g. area car driver.

·         Proj/Loc, to allocate selected personnel and date(s) to a Project/location.

·         Assignment, to add an assignment to selected personnel and date(s) e.g. On Call, Duty Ranks, etc.

·         Guest, to allocate a guest position to selected personnel and date(s) temporary allocating them to other cost centres but maintaining their own roster group status. (See Allocating Someone as a Guest).


Each button performs an action in its own right and often displays a further window to make selections from and confirm actions.


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Sort sequence



There are 3 choices of sort sequence:


·         Org – sorted alphabetically.

·         Rank – sorted by rank weighting.

·         Surname – sorted alphabetically or by Regimental/Person/Shoulder Number (controlled by a System control parameter).


There are two choices of sort direction:


·          will sort in ascending sequence for the selected sort sequence

·          will sort in descending sequence for the selected sort sequence


Default is Org. Sequence, Ascending.


To change the sort sequence:


·         Select the type of sort sequence (Org., Rank, or Surname).

·         Select the direction of sorting ( or )


When sorting by Org. (Organization) the sequence is alphabetical by division name (level 1), sub‑division name (level 2), section name (level 3), department weighting value (level 4) and roster group name (level 5).   A header is shown for each change of roster group e.g.



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Date header



Consists of the day and date. A Special Day is shown with a yellow cell and a Statutory Holiday with a purple cell. (Both colours can be defined as part of your system setup).

Date cell holds a Note button, a Resource Cover Graph button  and a Tick box.


By selecting the Note button in the date cell, the note entered will be applied to the date for all personnel across the whole organization.


·         See Cover checks and Resource Cover Graph and use of tick box below.


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Name, rank and number are shown for selected personnel together with a Tick box: which is used for scheduling longer term activities and allows, on selecting the appropriate action, setting a date range for the selected action:  e.g.  Apply long term sickness or future dated annual leave.  This topic is covered in more detail in Activity Scheduling.


·         See use of tick box below.

·         The main grid display hides the employee related notes/gender/info icons until required. The icons are replaced with an icon  which when clicked displays the information icons for the appropriate employee as follows.

·         Gender symbol  allows you to look at Persons information.

·         Note button  in the person cell, the note entered will be applied to the person.

·         Camera symbol  allows you to look at Persons Photo.


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Shift/activity cells (Duty Plan)



Shows Shifts, Activities, Project/Locations, Duties and Assignments, with icons for notes, cancelled and rescheduled rest days, Extra Pay and meal breaks.


e.g. (extreme)!



Click on any icon (except notes) or underlined text to show the details for that person and date.


·         First line: Activities for the day including Reference (12345B-1).


·         Second line: Duties for the day including Call Sign (AB12)


·         Third line: Assignments for the day


·         Fourth line: Project/Locations for the day



·         Tick Box. (See use of tick box below)

·         Clock icon indicating there is Extra Pay on that day.


·         Notes icon indicating there are notes for this person on that day.  Hover Cursor over the note to see the first line of the note. Click on the icon to see and update the full notes.


·         Meal Break icon indicating there are meal breaks on that day.


·         Bed icon indicating there is a rescheduled rest day on that day.


·         Crossed out bed icon indicating it was a rest day on that day, but is now a working day.


·         Further detail and examples will be covered later in this help.


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Page selector



·         Select the page to view or select Show all to show a continuous Duty Plan (with vertical scrolling capability):  e.g.



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Selecting Personnel and Days

Before applying any changes, select the personnel and day(s) to change.


Select as many days and personnel as required, providing you are doing the same to each e.g. allows processing several full day annual leave requests or changing several shifts to an 0800-1600 to cater for a training course, but does not allow application of the training course if some are 0900-1200 and others are 1300-1600. Apply all the 0900-1200 courses together and all the 1300-1600 together.


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Selecting a person for a day

·         Click the tick box in the required day cell to select a person for a day

·         Click the tick box again to deselect.



·         Click the tick box in each required day cell to select more than one person/date


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Selecting all displayed days for a person

·         Click the icon to reveal the hidden icons.

·         Click the tick box in the icons cell to select all displayed days for a person: e.g. applying Annual Leave for a 2 week period. All the individual cells for that person will automatically have their tick boxes set.

·         Click the tick box again to deselect them all.



·         Repeat this for each person to apply the same update to.


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Selecting a block of personnel for a date

·         Click the tick box on the date header bar to select a block of personnel for a date. All the individual cells for that date will automatically have their tick boxes set.

·         Click the tick box again to deselect them all.



Tip – using the person selection window you could create a favourite of e.g. all firearms qualified personnel who have the same renewal date. Open that favourite when the course date is available and book them all at the same time. The favourite remains for the next time you want to use it.


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Selecting a block of personnel for all displayed days

·         Click the separate tick box on the date header bar    to select a block of personnel for all displayed days. All the individual cells for that date will automatically then have their tick boxes set.

·         Click the tick box again to deselect them all.



Tip – it may save you time to use the block selections and deselect the individual cells you don’t require.


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Changing Tours

Standard shifts will already have been created.  These will usually be those contained in shift patterns (rosters) and those used regularly e.g. 0900-1700 or 0830-1630 to cover training days.

Change tours to any of the pre-defined standard shifts.


In addition, there may a need to change a tour to a non-standard shift to meet other business requirements. The process is the same but select different options.


These shifts may be of the same, shorter or longer duration. Shifts of a shorter duration are known as Undertime, shifts of a longer duration usually result in Extra Pay.


Also it may be necessary to add or remove additional tours during a day.


Changing any tour, open the duty plan; select the required dates for the personnel.


Incorporates a check on the Update Period and then disallow any changes to schedules prior to the users permitted date range.


·         Click Tour in the button bar.



Together with the selected personnel and date(s), the main tours window has two main options.


·         Apply Tour (this is the default)

·         Remove Tour


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Apply Tour

 Allows the  indication of guesting, allocating Project/Locationss, duties, and/or activities at the same time as a tour change by:


·         Click here if you also want to indicate guesting elsewhere

·         Click here if you also want to allocate a Project/Locations. e.g. Project/Location Bumblebee, Royal Visit etc

·         Click here if you also want to allocate a duty. e.g. call sign

·         Click here if you also want to allocate an activity. e.g. training course

·         Select Provisional or Confirmed, Optionally books the tour in either a provisional or a confirmed state. Tours are usually confirmed by default.

·         Select Group. All shifts and activities are grouped together for ease of reference and later analysis. The activity group for shifts is usually Shifts but maybe sub-divided for ease of use:  e.g. Day Shifts, Night Shifts, User Defined Shifts, etc.

·         Select Tour. This is a list of all pre-existing shifts. They are entered as part of system setup or later maintenance and consist of all shifts contained within the rosters (shift patterns) and other regularly used shifts e.g. special times for training days.

·         Enter Time From, for start time of the shift.  This can only be changed for user-defined shifts.

·         Enter Time to, for end time of the shift.  This can only be changed for user-defined shifts.

·         Enter Meals break duration. Only applied to those personnel whose working conditions allow for meal breaks.

·         Select, Replace all existing tours on the selected dates? If the selected tour is to replace all existing tours for each selected person and date(s). If left unchecked, tours that do not overlap will be treated as additional tours.

·         Enter any Reference as required (Max 10 characters). This reference will appear in various enquiries/reports.


Reference gives the ability to record a 10 character reference against shifts/activities and display that reference in various enquiries/reports either in a column or displayed at the tool tip. (See Activity Request, Activity Request Authorisation, Apply Approved Activities,  Show My Duties, Person Duties, Daily Duties, Weekly Schedules/Rosters, Monthly Schedules/Rosters, Annual Schedules/Rosters, 4 Week Team Schedules/Rosters, Team Bookings, and Activity/Proj/Loc/Duty Recording)


·         Click Submit button. This determines the compensation options, if any, for the selected tour for the selected personnel and date(s).

·         Click Notify box to automatically notify each affected person (and notify any other personnel, such as supervisors) of the change of tour. Such notifications will be initiated when the changes have been made before returning to the main Duty Plan page. (See Notify)

·         Click Cancel to return to the Duty Plan page with no changes.

Confirmation window


·         Once Submit is selected, a confirmation window is presented: e.g.



This summarizes the selections made. In some cases it may be necessary to make further selections from this window e.g. if Extra Pay is incurred or a short shift is worked so that the right compensation is given or deduction is made. Details of these actions are explained in the relevant sections but the details are dependent upon the working conditions applied to each person.


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 Applying a standard shift (same duration)

Changing shift to another standard shift:



·         Select Provisional or Confirmed status.

·         Select Group/Tour required (same duration) shift from the drop downs.

·         Enter Meals break duration if required.

·         Select: Replace all existing tours on the selected dates?

·         Enter any Reference as required (Max 10 characters)

·         Click Notify if required, to automatically notify the selected personnel of the change.

·         Click Submit.



·         Leave Action drop down in the confirmation window set to the default of Shift.

·         Select Change of duty with undue notice less than 72:00 hours tick box if appropriate.  This option will only be presented if the working conditions for this person require it.

·         Click Submit.


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Applying a non-standard shift (same duration)

Changing to a non-standard shift:



·         Select Provisional or Confirmed status.

·         Select Group/Tour, User Defined Day Shift or User Defined Night Shift from the drop downs.

·         Enter Time from and Time to (where duration is same as existing shift).

·         Enter Meals break duration if required.

·         Select: Replace all existing tours on the selected dates?

·         Enter any Reference as required (Max 10 characters)

·         Click Notify if required, to automatically notify the selected personnel of the change.

·         Click Submit.




·         Leave the Action drop down in the confirmation window set to the default of Shift.

·         Select Change of duty with undue notice less than 72:00 hours tick box if appropriate.  This option will only be presented if the working conditions for this person require it.

·         Click Submit

Note – Ensure selection of the correct User Defined Shift option (Day/Night) as it is the option, not the time that includes or excludes the shift from any witness availability processing.

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Applying an Extra Pay shift

Extra Pay shifts are applied using the same process as applying any other shift. There may be standard shifts of differing durations available e.g. one group of personnel may only work 8 hour shifts and if they work 10 hours, then apply a 10 hour standard shift if there is one.


Alternatively, use the User Defined options and set the times required.


Extra Pay could be an extended shift (plan to come in early or Extra Pay at the end of the shift), or could be a call out (return to duty). Usually a callout is for a specific activity (e.g. court).  See Applying a callout.


Applying an Extra Pay shift:



·         Select Provisional or Confirmed status.

·         Select Group/Tour, from the drop downs OR

·         Select User Defined Day Shift or User Defined Night Shift from the drop downs and enter the Time from and Time to of the shift. The duration should be longer than the existing shift.

·         Enter Meals break duration if required.

·         Select: Replace all existing tours on the selected dates if required.

·         Enter any Reference as required (Max 10 characters)

·         Click Notify if required, to automatically notify the selected personnel of the change.

·         Click Submit.



·         Select the Extra Pay type according to each selected persons working conditions from the Action drop down in the confirmation window.

·         Click Submit.

·         The duty plan will now show the Extra Pay indicator icon in the cell.



Note – Only applicable Extra Pay options are shown in the drop down e.g. there will not be a callout option if that is not applicable to the situation.


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Applying a callout (return to duty)

Applying an additional tour of duty:



·         Select Provisional or Confirmed status.

·         Select Group/Tour from the drop downs OR

·         Select User Defined Day Shift or User Defined Night Shift from the drop downs and enter the Time from and Time to of the shift. The Time from and Time to should not overlap with any existing tours on the selected personnel and date(s) - otherwise this will be treated as replacing that tour.

·         Enter Meals break duration if required.

·         DO NOT select: Replace all existing tours on the selected dates?

·         Enter any Reference as required (Max 10 characters)

·         Click Notify if required, to automatically notify the selected personnel of the change.

·         Click Submit.



·         Select the Extra Pay type according to each selected persons working conditions from the Action drop down in the confirmation window.

·         Click Submit.

·         The duty plan will now show “Various” text in the cell to indicate that more than one shift or activity is planned for the day.



·         The duty plan will also show the Extra Pay indicator in the cell.



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Applying a short shift (undertime)

Occasionally there may be a need to apply a short shift to a day e.g. normal working hours are 10 hours but a training day is 8, therefore the person only works 8. Rules created at system setup determine the options available when selecting a short shift e.g. the person may be required to take the “lost” time as Lieu time off. If in doubt, see the CARM system administrator.


Applying a short shift:



·         Select Provisional or Confirmed status.

·         Select Group/Tour, from the drop downs OR

·         Select User Defined Day Shift or User Defined Night Shift from the drop downs and enter the Time from and Time to of the shift. The duration should be shorter than the existing shift..

·         Enter Meals break duration if required.

·         Select: Replace all existing tours on the selected dates?

·         Enter any Reference as required (Max 10 characters)

·         Click Notify if required, to automatically notify the selected personnel of the change.

·         Click Submit.



·         Select how to allocate the “lost” time e.g. Lieu time off from the Action drop down in the confirmation window.

·         Click Submit.

·         The duty plan will now show “Various” text in the cell to indicate that more than one shift or activity is planned for the day.



Note – Options for “lost” time are all absences e.g. Lieu time off, annual leave and sickness.


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Applying a meals break

In all of the above examples, if a Meals break had been added (to more than one tour if necessary) and the persons working conditions permit Meals breaks, they will be shown in the Duty Plan as follows:



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Swap Shifts

Zero to fourteen days apart


Occasionally there may be a need to swap two shifts.


·         Open the duty plan; select the required dates for the personnel.

·         Select the shifts to be swapped.

·         Click Swap in the button bar to apply the swap.

·         Any Assignment will also swap but any Duty will be removed completely.


 Time Bank levels will be automatically credited or debited as required.


Over fourteen days apart


Occasionally there may be a need to swap two shifts.


·         Open the duty plan; select the person required to swap shifts for.

·         Click Swap in the button bar.

·         Enter Date From and To for the swapping shifts

·         Click Submit

·         Any Assignment will also swap but any Duty will be removed completely.


 Time Bank levels will be automatically credited or debited as required.


A configuration function parameter enables the notification window to appear when the Swap button is used during the Duty Planning process.  The parameter may be set such that the notification window is always displayed or is never displayed according to the requirements of the organization.


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Troubleshooting tours

An Inter-shift break violations warning is presented when changing tours.



Regulations may dictate that there must be a minimum number of hours between the end of the last tour on one day and the beginning of the first tour on the next day.  Exigencies of duty may determine that less than this minimum may be required.  The warning is to indicate that there are less than the minimum hours between tours.


·         Click Continue to return to the Duty Plan window and apply the change. OR

·         Select the day again and select Undo All to return to the persons original shift OR

·         Select Shift again and apply an alternative shift that does not breach the Regulations.


Note – If in doubt whether to continue with the action, or for advice on the impact of the selections, contact the CARM Administrator.


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Remove Tour


To remove tours:


·         Select Remove tour.

·         Select the tours to be removed from the list of tours.

·         Click Notify if required, to automatically notify the selected personnel of the change.

·         Click Submit.



·         If a shift is being removed, select the absence from the drop down list of absences.  If a callout is being removed, there will be no list of absences.  Ignore any of these changes at this time by selecting 'Ignore' instead of 'Remove' as in the example above for Helen Blanchard, 04-Jul-2008.

·         Click Submit to action.


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Applying rest days

Applying rest days:


·         Open the duty plan; select the required dates for the personnel.

·         Click RTO(or alternative) in the button bar.



·         Select Provisional or Confirmed status.

·         Click Notify if required, to automatically notify the selected personnel of the change.

·         Click Submit.



·         Select the appropriate Action. By default, the list contains the next available to re-roster non-working days (Rest Days, Work Free Days, Public Holidays - oldest first) and then all other absences (in case there are no non-working days available to re-roster).

·         Click Submit


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Reroster Cancelled Days

Rerostering cancelled rest days:


·         Open the duty plan; select the required dates for the affected personnel.

·         Tick the check box against the person(s) required.



·         Click Reroster in the button bar.



·         Select a person from Personnel list.

·         Select a day from the Available Cancelled Days list, which shows date and duration of the cancelled rest day.



The daily Duties list now shows Date, Cover Graph Icon, full Duties detail, Duration of shift and, dependant upon the relevant Working Conditions, Select buttons against shifts that are available for rerostering the selected Available Cancelled Days to.


·         To ensure resource cover is maintained click Cover Graph Icon  to check resource cover for the required date.

·         Click Select button against the required day: to Reroster the Available Cancelled Days to.

·         Select Provisional or Confirmed as required.

·         Click Notify if required, to automatically notify selected personnel of the change.

·         Click Submit.



·         The Duty plan will now show shifts ‘Rerostered’ from and ‘Rerostered’ to. These are viewed by hovering your mouse pointer over the bed Icons. Dependant upon the relevant Working Conditions any differential between shift hours and the Rerostered Cancelled Day hours will be credited or debited in the applicable Time banks.




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Apply Acting Rank details

Ability to record Acting Rank details within in Duty Planning and Team Bookings.  This will show in updated displays of acting rank information in:


Duty Planning,

Team Bookings,

Daily Duties enquiry,

Weekly Roster/Schedule Enquiry,

Monthly Roster/Schedule Enquiry,

Annual Roster/Schedule Enquiry,

4 Week Team Roster/Schedule Enquiry,

Show My Duties,

Show my acting details.

Record an Acting Rank in Duty Planning. 

 Open the duty plan; select the required dates for the affected personnel.

·         Tick the check box against the person(s) required.

·         Click Acting in the button bar.



·         Search for person in Acting for, or:

·         Select Rank to be acted for from the drop down list.

·         Select Operational and/or Administrative.

·         Select Reason from drop down list

·         Enter any Comments as required.

·         Check Cover Graph for date required

·         Click Select button against date required to be acted for.

·         Click Cancel  if required to cancel selection and return to duty plan

·         Click Submit to submit the Acting details.



·         Repeat for each date required to be acted for.


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Remove an Acting Rank in Duty Planning

·         Click Select button against date required to remove acting for details.

·         Click Remove to remove the Acting details.



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Apply Coaching  details

Ability to record Coaching details within in Duty Planning and Team Bookings.  This will show in updated displays of coaching information in:


Duty Planning,

Team Bookings,

Daily Duties enquiry,

Weekly Roster/Schedule Enquiry,

Monthly Roster/Schedule Enquiry,

Annual Roster/Schedule Enquiry,

4 Week Team Roster/Schedule Enquiry,

Show My Duties,


Note – Acting/Coaching (PTO) cannot be applied by the member to the member.  Requires implicit authorization and therefore must be applied by someone other than the member who is being compensated.


Record Coaching Details in Duty Planning. 

 Open the duty plan; select the required dates for the affected personnel.


·         Tick the check box against the person(s) required.

·         Click Coaching in the button bar.



·         Search for person in Coaching.

·         Enter Time From and Time To.

·         Enter any Comments as required.

·         Check Cover Graph for date required

·         Click Select button against date required to be Coached.

·         Click Cancel  if required to cancel selection and return to duty plan

·         Click Submit to submit the Coaching details.



·         Repeat for each date required to be coached.


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Remove Coaching Details in Duty Planning

·         Select Personnel to remove Coaching details for.


·         Click Remove to remove the Coaching details.



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Putting Someone on Operational Readiness/Operational Availability

Place someone on OR/OA e.g. they are due to be on a rest day or are working a day shift and are required to be on Readiness/Availability due to an event that may require specialist skills. Any compensation the person is entitled to for this, is identified in their working conditions.

Applying Operational Readiness/Availability,


·         Open the duty plan; select the required date(s) for the personnel.

·         Click OR/OA in the button bar.



Together with the selected personnel and date(s), the main Operational Readiness/Availability window has three main options, together with further options of Primary or Backup


·         Enter Time From and Time To of the OR/OA

·         Apply OperaionalReadiness (this is the default)

·         Apply Operational Availability

·         Remove Operational Readiness/Availability

·         Readiness and Availability attract different compensation according to the persons working conditions.  With either of those options, the Time from and Time to of the standby may be entered.  Otherwise, the standby applies 'generically' to time on those date(s) when the person is not working.

·         Remove Operational Readiness/Availability removes all Readiness/Availability for the selected personnel and date(s).

·         Click Submit to action. Readiness/Availability will be shown in the Duty Plan with an asterisk (*) as follows:




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Applying activities

Activities are commitments that may take a person out of the available cover i.e. they are abstracted from cover. Not all activities though, need to be abstracted from cover: e.g. attending a training activity may still count as being on strength (in cover) for the period of training. Activities are grouped into like types as determined by the System Administrator:  e.g. the Leave Activity Group may include all leave types such as Annual Leave, Study Leave, Compassionate Leave, Lieu time off; Court Activity Group may include Traffic, Children's, Sheriffs, Crown, etc.


Activities may be work-based e.g. Court and Training or absence-based e.g. Leave and Sickness (and possibly some secondments).


Absences are applied on the existing shift; whereas work-based activities may require the shift to be changed as well e.g. change from a late to day shift to attend court. All activities may be applied to a full or part day, or as part of a call out (return to duty).


The following sections show how to apply a:


·         Full day work and non-leave based absence activity.

·         Full day annual leave.

·         Full day Lieu time off.

·         Part day activity (irrespective of absence or work commitment).

·         Return to duty as the procedure differs or additional information is available for reference.


When activities are applied, they are usually shown in standard colours for ease of reference i.e. yellow for provisional activities and blue for confirmed.


Applying an activity,


·         Open the duty plan; select the required date(s) for the personnel.

·         Click Activity in the button bar.


Allows indication of Guesting, allocating Project/Locations, and allocating Duties at the same time as applying an Activity by:


·         Click here if you also want to indicate guesting elsewhere

·         Click here if you also want to allocate anProject/Location. e.g. Projection/Locations Bumble Bee or Royal Visit

·         Click here if you also want to allocate a duty. e.g. call sign.

·         Select Activity Group, All shifts and activities are grouped together for ease of reference and later analysis. Standard Activity Groups are listed in the drop down:


o   Courts

o   Leave

o   Sickness

o   Secondment

o   Training

o   Other Activity


     Other groups may have been created for the organisations own purposes.


·         Select Activity, all pre-defined Activities within the selected Activity Group are listed in the drop down:

Incorporates a facility whereby if any selected activity flagged as auto-notification required, the notify option is automatically checked.


o   Select Analysis & Sub-analysis. Optionally all activities can be broken down for analysis reporting. A separate maintenance routine determines whether to analyse.  These options will only be available if the relevant access is allowed:


o   To establish how many times personnel were called to court but not called, an analysis could be available of “Witness” with a sub-analyses of “Called” or “Not Called” as appropriate.


o    All Sickness activities could be set to hold analysis to establish how much time was spent through “Injury on Duty”, "Injury off Duty", etc.


·         Select Provisional or Confirmed, optionally books the activity in either a provisional or a confirmed state. The default can be set by the System Administrator.

·         Select Part Shift, allows application of an activity for part of a shift e.g. half day annual leave, 3 hours court.  Clicking it will enable entry of the Time From and Time To.



·         Click Submit, saves the selected details to the person/date(s) selected.

·         Click Notify, if required, allows automatic notification of each affected person (and any other personnel, such as supervisors) of the activity changes. Such notifications will be initiated when the changes have been made before returning to the main Duty Plan page. (See Notify)

·         Click Cancel, returns to the Duty Plan without applying any changes.

Confirmation window


Once Submit has been selected, a confirmation window is presented e.g.



This summarizes the selections made. In some cases it may be necessary to make further selections from this window e.g. if Leave is being applied and, therefore, the time bank button is visible showing the current available time in the bank: if appropriate ignore that activity for that person and date if there is insufficient time in the bank.  In that case select 'ignore' from the action drop down list.


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Applying a full day activity

Applying a full day activity (i.e. for the duration of the shift):


·         Select Activity Group from the drop down. e.g. Other Activity.

·         Select Activity from the drop down. e.g. Conference.

·         Select Analysis if required from the drop down. e.g. Force Intelligence Bureau.

·         Select Sub-analysis if required from the drop down.

·         Select Provisional or Confirmed status.

·         Click Notify if required, to automatically notify the selected personnel of the change.

·         Click Submit.



·         Leave Action in the confirmation window set to the default i.e. the activity and times being applied.

·         Click Submit.

·         A short title (maximum 10 characters) for the activity is shown in the cell.



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Applying full day annual leave (or any other time bank activity)

Applying a full day annual leave (i.e. for the duration of the shift):


·         Select Activity Group from the drop down. e.g. Leave.

·         Select Activity from the drop down. e.g. Annual Leave.

·         Select Analysis if required from the drop down.

·         Select Sub-analysis if required from the drop down.

·         Select Register Vacation as, Do Not Register or Register as required

·         Select Provisional or Confirmed status.

·         Click Notify if required, to automatically notify the selected personnel of the change.

·         Click Submit.



·         Check annual leave balance in Time bank to ensure there is enough available. Green figure indicates a positive balance, red a negative balance.  Click on the button to view the Time bank.

·         If there is sufficient time in the bank or the activity is to be applied anyway, leave Action in the confirmation window set to the default i.e. the annual leave activity and the duration being applied.

·         To not apply the activity for all selected personnel and date(s), click the Cancel button.

·         To ignore some of the selected personnel and dates, change the action to Ignored in the appropriate drop down list.

·         Click Submit

·         A short title (maximum 10 characters) for the annual leave is shown in the cell.



Warnings are presented if the removal of a tour and application of a particular activity results in that activity bank going negative (with the exception of the adjustment bank).  Alternatively, with the use of a new function parameter, such actions may be automatically undone to prevent the bank going negative.

A function parameter enables previous non-negative revisions to be reapplied as the latest revision thus allowing the user to revert any changes to any previous revision.


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Applying part day activities

Applying a part day activity (i.e. for part of a tour):


·         Select Activity group to be applied from the drop down e.g. Other Activity.

·         Select Activity from the drop down. e.g. Conference.

·         Select Analysis if required, from the drop down. e.g. Force Intelligence Bureau.

·         Select Sub-analysis if required, from the drop down

·         Select Provisional or Confirmed status.

·         Select Part shift

·         Enter Time from of the activity.

·         Enter Time to of the activity.

·         Click Notify if required, you want to automatically notify the selected personnel of the change.

·         Click Submit.



·         Leave Action in the confirmation window set to the default i.e. the activity and the duration or times being applied.

·         Check Time bank balances, if applicable.

·         Check that the action drop down list contains an option to Ignore (select this option to not want this activity to be applied on this person and date)

·         Check that the rest of the action drop down list contains the breakdown of all the activities for that day - including the new selected activity and times/duration.

·         Click Submit.

·         As there is now more than one activity on the day the “Various” text is shown in the cell.



Warnings are presented if the removal of a tour and application of a particular activity results in that activity bank going negative (with the exception of the adjustment bank).  Alternatively, with the use of a new function parameter, such actions may be automatically undone to prevent the bank going negative.


A function parameter enables previous non-negative revisions to be reapplied as the latest revision thus allowing the user to revert any changes to any previous revision.


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Allocating Duties

Duties are the day-to-day tasks that personnel are required to do e.g. area car driver, foot patrols, gaoler, custody suite, etc. They may also be known as call signs.


A person must be working in order for a duty to be applied.


Core duties are usually undertaken by personnel within a particular area. Therefore, each duty on CARM is stored against the organization structure to which it belongs e.g. there may be 3 custody sergeants, one in each division.


Applying a duty, open the duty plan; select the required dates for the personnel.


·         Click Duty in the button bar.



Indicate Guesting, and allocate Project/Locations at the same time as allocating a Duty by:


·         Click here if you also want to indicate guesting elsewhere

·         Click here if you also want to allocate an Project/locations. e.g. Project/Locations Bumble Bee or Royal Visit

·         Select Duty Category.

·         Select Duty.

·         Enter Call Sign if you require one and there is no default.

·         Enter any other information as necessary e.g. Vehicle ID, Radio ID, etc.

·         Click Submit, saves selected details to the person/date(s) selected. A short title (maximum 10 characters) for the duty together with the call sign (if any) is shown in the cell.



·         Click Notify, allows the automatic notification of each affected person (and any other personnel, such as supervisors) of the activity changes. Such notifications will be initiated when the changes have been made before returning to the main Duty Plan page. (See Notify)

·         Click Cancel, returns to the Duty Plan without applying any changes


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Applying Project/Locations

Project/Locations form an “umbrella” over tours, activities, duties and assignments. There are two ways in which to apply Project/locations:


·         As part of applying another change i.e. tour, activity, duty or assignment.

·         Using the Proj/Loc button.


Here we deal with the use of the Proj/Loc button (allocating Project/Locations via the other method follows the same process, once having opted to apply the Projection/Locations).


Applying Project/Locations, open the duty plan; select the required date(s) for the personnel.


·         Click Proj/Loc in the button bar.



·         If the Project/Locations are allocated to a specific division, select the Division from the drop down. Otherwise, leave this set to Any.

·         Select Project/Location: associated Effective dates and Cost Centre are shown with the Abstraction setting. These are set via a separate maintenance routine (See Project/Locations Maintenance).

·         Click Cancel returns to the Duty Plan page with no changes.

·         Click Submit.

·         A short title (maximum 10 characters) for the Project/Locations is shown in the cell.



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Applying Assignments

Assignments are used to cover other aspects i.e. not activities, duties or Project/Locations. They are primarily intended for such things as on-call, duty ranks e.g. duty inspector (perhaps for a particular Project/Locations or event).


Due to the nature of such tasks, it is possible to add assignments for part of a shift, all shift or all day regardless of whether the day is a working day or not  e.g. call out often applies to a 24 hour period and to allow more than one assignment on a day.


Apply as many assignments as required the same time.  For example, there may be a 'Duty Sergeant' assignment as well as a 'Supervising a Probationer' assignment.


Applying an Assignment, open the duty plan; select the required date(s) for the personnel.


·         Click Assignment in the button bar.



Together with the selected personnel and date(s), the main assignments window has two main options.


·         Add new assignment (this is the default)

·         Remove existing assignment


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Add new assignment

Apply a Project/Locations e.g. Project/Locations Bumblebee, Royal Visit, etc. at the same time as an assignment tour change by selecting


·         Click here if you also want to allocate a Project/Locations.

·         Select Division, Sub-division, Section and Department the assignment belongs to.

·         Select Assignment Group.

·         Select Assignment.

·         Select All day to apply the Assignment for the whole day.

·         Select Part day to apply your Assignment for your selected times only. Enables Time From and Time To, to be entered:




·         Select Only when on duty to apply the Assignment only while the person is on shift.

·         In the Comment box add a short free text (30 characters).

·         Select Discard to remove all existing Assignments for the person/date(s) and add the new one.

·         Select Retain All to add the new Assignment and keep all existing ones for the selected person/date(s).

·         Select Retain Non-Overlapping to Add the new Assignment and keep any existing Assignments that do not conflict with it e.g. an existing Assignment from 0600-1000 and another all day. The new Assignment is from 1200-1400. The new Assignment would be applied, the 0600‑1000 would remain but the all day commitment would be removed.

·         Select Notify if required, to automatically notify each affected person (and any other personnel, such as supervisors) of the Assignment changes. Such notifications will be initiated when the changes have been made before returning to the main Duty Plan page.

·         Click Submit: saves the selected details to the person/date(s) selected. A short title (max 10 characters) for the Assignment together with the comments (if any) is shown in the cell:




Or, if more than one assignment has been applied:



·         Click Cancel, returns to the Duty Plan without applying any changes


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Removing existing assignments

Remove Assignments, open the duty plan; select required date(s) for the personnel.


·         Click Assignment in the button bar.

·         Select Remove existing assignment.



·         Place a tick in the Remove box against Assignments to be removed.

·         Select Notify if required, to automatically notify each affected person (and any other personnel, such as supervisors) of the Assignment changes. Such notifications will be initiated when the changes have been made before returning to the main Duty Plan page.

·         Click Submit: removes selected Assignments

·         Click Cancel, returns to the Duty Plan without applying any changes


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Undoing Changes

There may be a need to undo changes made to a day/person e.g. a training day or annual leave has been cancelled.


·         To apply a different shift or activity, please refer to Changing Tours.

·         To undo all the changes made and revert to the original shift of the selected person, open the duty plan, and select the required date(s) for the personnel.

·         Click Undo All in the button bar.



A function parameter may be set that allows for the option that, in addition to Undo All, the user may undo to the previous revision by checking Undo to previous revision only.


·         Click Submit:  revert all of the selected personnel/dates to their original rostered shifts.

·         Select Notify if required, to automatically notify each affected person (and any other personnel, such as supervisors) of the Assignment changes. Such notifications will be initiated when the changes have been made before returning to the main Duty Plan page.

·         Click Cancel,  returns to the Duty Plan without applying any changes


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Confirming/Unconfirming Status

Activities and shifts may be booked in a provisional (unconfirmed) or confirmed status. Select the status when Applying Activities.


·         To change the status, open the duty plan; select the required date(s) for the personnel.

·         Click (Un)confirm in the button bar.



·         Select Provisional or  or Confirmed state

·         Click Submit changes the status of activities on all of the selected personnel/date(s)

·         Click Cancel, returns to the Duty Plan without applying any changes


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Cover Checks and Resource Cover Graph

See Resource Cover


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Applying notes

Notes can be added and viewed wherever the note icon is displayed (either  or ).  In the cells of the duty plan (Person/Date cells), there will; only be an  icon to indicate that a note already exists.


Applying a new note to a person/date, open the duty plan; select the required date(s) for the personnel.


·         Click Note in the button bar.



·         Type the note.

·         Click Submit presents the following message: Please click Confirm to apply the note to all selected cells.

·         Click Submit applies the note to all the selected personnel/date(s).  A note icon is shown in the cell. Hover Cursor over the note to see the first line of the note.



·         Click Cancel returns to the Duty Plan page with no changes.


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Refresh cells

Occasionally, to refresh selected cells due to making changes outside of the duty plan that now need to be seen.  e.g. it is possible to click on an underlined activity in a cell (to drill down to the duty details) and make changes there. 


Recognizing those changes in the duty plan, select that cell


·         Click Refresh in the button bar. The selected cells will be reloaded with the latest information.


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Notification of any changes can be sent to selected personnel as part of the application of changes e.g. when an activity is changed, a notification can be automatically sent to the affected personnel (and copies to any other personnel you wish).


Also, at any time even without making any changes send automatic notifications to personnel.


Sending a notification to a person/date, open the duty plan, select the required dates for the personnel.


·         Click Notify in the button bar. The standard Notify window is presented for any additional notification information to be entered and sent as appropriate. 


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Activity Scheduling

Activity scheduling allows the carrying out of functions of Duty Planning for longer periods of time.  For example, to apply 2 weeks of annual leave, or to apply several months of long term sickness, etc.


There are two ways to schedule activities. 


First method is from the home page as part of normal Duty planning.   


·         Select Duties > Duty Planning

·         Select the required personnel.

·         Click Submit (there is no need to select a date at this stage as dates will be selected later)

·         Select the people to schedule long-term actions for (click the tick box by the persons name in the left hand column)



·         Click the appropriate button in the button bar (note that only the  OR/OA, (Un)confirm, Undo All, Tour, Activity, Duty, Proj/Loc, Assignment,  and Guest buttons are relevant in this mode)

·         In each case, a date range is requested for the action to be applied to.



·         Select the required date range and then process as per normal in Duty Planning.


Second method is from the home page.


·         Select Duties > Activity Scheduling

·         Select the required personnel.



·         Select the action to be taken Tour, Activity, Duty, Project/Locations, Assignment, (Un)confirm, Undo All, Standby or Guest

·         Click Submit

·         Process as per normal in Duty Planning. (See Tour, Activity, Duty, Proj/Loc , Assignment, (Un)confirm, Undo All, OR/OA, and Guest


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Allocating Someone as a Guest

Occasionally there is a need to allocate a person/date(s) to a different Cost Centre/Roster Group. This enables costs to be correctly accounted for, without having to transfer the person and then transfer them back again. The Guesting person is also abstracted from their particular Roster Groups Cover, and added to the Guesting Roster Groups Cover. However both Groups’ supervisors are able to see their Duty Plan.


There are two ways of allocating Guests.


First method:


·         Select Duties > Duty Planning

·         Select the required personnel.

·         Click Submit

·         Select the required date cell.

·         Click Guest on the button bar.



·         If you require to remove a guest select Remove guest

·         Select Division, Sub-division, Section, Department and Roster Group to Guest in.

·         Click Submit.



·         Home Roster Group Duty Plan now shows “Guest in …” in the selected cell.

·         Guest Roster Group Duty Plan now shows “Guest from…” in the selected cell.


Second method:


·         Select Duties > Activity Scheduling

·         Select the required personnel.

·         Select Guest



·         Click Submit



·         Select Division, Sub-division, Section, Department and Roster Group to guest in.

·         Click Submit. A new selection page is shown with a “Duty planning information has been updated message in green.



·         Duty Plan pages will now read as in first method for both Home and Guest Roster Groups.

You may also indicate guesting, at the same time as allocating a Tour, Activity or  Duty  when:


·         Click here if you also want to indicate guesting elsewhere appears on a page.


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Duty Planning Enquiry.


Presents a read only version of the Duty Plan for selected Personnel on selected date(s):


From the Home Page My Menu:





Select Enquiries > Duty Planning Enquiry



·         Select required personnel on the Person selections page

·         Click Submit



·         Enter start date for the required enquiry period

·         Click Submit



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