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Compensation Rules Information

Amend Compensation Rule Information terminology to suit the Organization.


Select System Maintenance > Compensation Rules Information



·      Select Rule to update from the drop down.

·      Select Option to apply to the Rule from the drop down.

·      The Working Conditions list, lists all current working conditions, with those working conditions that utilise this Rule Option being highlighted.  Any changes made to this Rule and/or Option will therefore affect all of the highlighted working conditions.

·      Click Change Text to change terminology



Changes may be made to any of the items on this page - except the Parameters. (See Changing rule parameters)


Note the use of 'tokens' in the Option Title and Option Description.  These tokens are replaced by the parameters.  The tokens are identified as %0, %1, %2 etc or %H0, %H1, %H2 etc.  The number indicates which parameter will replace that token (starting at 0 for the 1st parameter).  The H indicates that the parameter is a minute value and is to be displayed as an hours and minutes value e.g. %H2 with the 3rd parameter set to 150 would display as 2:30.


Click Submit to make the changes or Cancel to return to the previous page without making the changes.


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