Shift Deviations Analyses
Report analyses all the occasions when changes were made to the start time of shifts (shifts were deviated from their normal start time) within a selected date range. Shift deviations are categorised as being in one of the following:
ˇ 0 to 2 hours deviation (forward or backward)
ˇ 2 to 4 hours deviation
ˇ 4 to 8 hours deviation
ˇ Greater than 8 hours deviation
There are 2 types of shift deviation report available.
ˇ Select Reports > Shift Deviations Analyses
ˇ This report has the capability of printing a line of user entered text in the heading of each report. Overtype Your current selection is text box with user desired contents.
ˇ If required edit Your current selection is to appear as sub title text on the report.
ˇ Select a Project/Location Division to analyse all shift deviations for a specific Project/Location. Otherwise, leave the Project/Location Division selection of Not Required if the Project/Location setting is irrelevant.
ˇ Select a Date range for the analysis
ˇ Select type of report required
ˇ Select the report format (See Choosing your output and display)
ˇ Click Submit
Depending on the amount of data being reported on, the report may take some time to be produced. Please be patient! |
e.g. Individual Personnel Page.
e.g. Group of Personnel with Department totals selected.